2023 was not the year of Momentum. It looked like a year where I stood still for a large part of it. Dig below the surface though and a lot was going on.
No one loves vanilla ice cream. There, I said it. Everyone likes vanilla ice cream, it’s safe. It’s dependable, it goes with everything and no one turns it down if it’s offered to them. Pistachio ice cream though? You love it or loathe it, but if you love it, you’ll drive across town to get your hands on it...
There’s something about being lost and blocked that feels shameful. There’s the frustration of knowing deep in your bones that you need change but not knowing what you want and the shame of desperately trying to figure it out.
This was the overriding feeling of my year of visibility.
I felt dangerously exposed and uncomfortable, which meant it was hard to sustain long periods of visibility. Yet playing bigger was exhilarating.
I love extended metaphors, so bear with me on this...
I’ve been thinking about September, good intentions and self-doubt. September can feel a bit like the start of a new year. Shiny shoes, fresh notebooks, a brand new pencil case of possibilities...