Are you scared to follow your dreams?

alt="Abby Monroe card 'a life without dreams is like a garden without flowers'. Card is surrounded by foliage and white hydrangea. Available from Bramble & Fox UK hygge shop"

What’s the dream you’re too scared to reveal? You know the one - it whispered to you in lockdown. That idea stored in your head labelled ‘One Day.’


Maybe you dream of leaving behind the grind of the daily commute, the traffic jams and the jostling at the platform edge. Maybe you long to make working from home a way of life. To swap your takeout Costa on the run for a proper breakfast and coffee in your favourite mug in the garden. 


Maybe the dream you guard like a precious jewel is a view of fields and sheep as far as the eye can see. Or the keys to a house to call home. Or someone special who feels like home. Someone who will hold you close at the end of a hard day and tell you that it’ll be alright. Maybe every wish, candle and coin in the fountain is for a baby to hold in your arms.


Perhaps it’s the dream of a country cottage? Do you long to seed wildflower meadows, harvest apples, keep chickens and retreat to your reading nook in a cheerful gypsy caravan? 


Why do we keep our dreams secret? Perhaps it’s because we’re conditioned to believe that if we dare to say the words, the spell will be broken? Maybe we’ve been hurt and let down by a dream that slipped through our fingers.


What if the reason we keep our dreams secret is so that we don’t have to act upon them? If our dreams are locked away deep within our souls, we can keep them safe and perfect, free from the scratches and dents of scrutiny and failure. 


What if the reason is darker? Maybe we think the dream is so flamboyant, fantastical and foolish to others that we’re afraid of ridicule? That if we spread our dreams under the feet of others, they will trample over them? 


Often, our dreams are so at odds with the realities of our lives that we contort into a version of ourselves that doesn’t quite fit, like a foot crammed into an ill-fitting shoe. We can hobble along, but each step will cause reluctance and pain.


Or, we can accept that this version of life doesn’t fit, set it aside and step into the truest version of ourselves. 


It takes courage to decide that ‘one day’ is ‘today’, but one small step is all it takes to inch closer to the life that’s whispering to you. 


What’s your small step going to be today?


Commit to it in the comments below or carry on the conversation over on Instagram at @brambleandfoxshopuk. 

Hygge mentoring

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