A stunning hand-knitted patchwork blanket featuring soft grey and multi-coloured blocks in random formation, with a deep, grey knitted border. The mix of soft grey and brights and in particular, the two striped squares, remind me of a Dr Who scarf!
In times gone by, thrifty women would often recycle odds and ends of yarn or unravel worn socks and jumpers, knitting the scraps into blocks joined together to form cushions or blankets.
Patchwork and woollen textiles had a renaissance in the 1970s, which is why many of us have fond childhood memories attached to knitted blankets, tea cosies and cushions.
A cheerful, cosy blanket imbued with granny's cottage nostalgia, perfect for snuggling up with a book or for bringing a bit of free-wheeling, hippy style to campervan life.